Protocol offers expertise and reliability in the Plant & Machinery valuation for virtually every industry. We estimate depreciation from physical, technological, functional and economic factors, determined after appropriate onsite physical inspections, while employing latest digital technology to analyse a company’s fixed asset records.
The dedicated valuation team conduct a complete study of the existing asset, acquisition of assets through development, final disposal or replacement of assets, budgets and complete data analysis and provide most succinct summary.
The accurate, reliable and timely valuation enables the business to take crucial decision at precise time and to generate an action plan for a long-term operation of assets and to receive a profitable income from these assets.
There are many facts which influence the approach to, the classification, measurement and reporting of, their value; making Valuation of Plant & Machinery and Industrial Assets relatively complex and niche when compared with most types of Real Property valuations.
We have worked across various industry sectors including Automobile & Auto Ancillary, Chemicals & Fertilizers, Cement & Construction, Consumer Goods, Hospitality, Infrastructure, Iron & Steel, Logistics, Metals & Mining, Manufacturing & Engineering, Petroleum, Petrochemicals, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceuticals, Power, Real Estate, Telecom, Information Technology & Electronics, Textile & Leather and Cables etc.